Special Transaction Goods
What can we do for you in special transactions without an actual sale?
Warranty, repair, replacement and exchanges
If your business deals with warranty, repair or replacement shipments, you must notify us before we can offer tax representation. In these situations, we offer only general tax representation (AFV). Please contact us for specific information about your situation.
Fairs are not covered by fiscal representation. Alternative options, such as temporary import permits, are provided by our customs department. Please contact us for more information if you wish to import goods for an exhibition.
Transfer of own goods to the Netherlands for own use
Do you want to import your goods to the Netherlands with no intention of selling them? We can offer you general fiscal representation. With an individual Dutch VAT number, we can clear your goods into the Netherlands.
You can use these goods in the Netherlands for your business or later decide to sell them after storage. Do you want to store your goods in an EU country other than the Netherlands? Then you need a valid VAT number in that country.
Customs Opportunities
We offer comprehensive support for various customs formalities related to export, import, storage and transit shipments. In addition, we assist you with veterinary inspections and provide advice on specific customs and tax issues. Request your quote now and experience our service for yourself.