Export declarations
For more than 30 years, we have supported companies in managing import declarations in Europe and worldwide
Guaranteed the right documents
Not only will we help you prepare the correct export declaration, our expert team will make sure you have all the right documents. Additional export documents may be needed to get the goods to the destination country without any problems. We can support you with the following:
EUR-MED certificate
Certificate of Origin
ATA Carnet
Advise on Invoice Declarations
Specialist advice for your industry
Neele-Vat can export all types of goods for which there are no restrictions. However, we offer specialized customs clearance advice and services for various industries and sectors. We are the trusted partner for companies exporting the following types of goods:
Perishable goods.
Veterinary goods
Customs Opportunities
We offer comprehensive support for various customs formalities related to export, import, storage and transit shipments. In addition, we assist you with veterinary inspections and provide advice on specific customs and tax issues. Request your quote now and experience our service for yourself.