Ocean Freight Customs & Documentation
Neele-Vat is the service provider for all of your ocean freight needs. Whether you want to import from China or export to the United States, we have the solution within Neele-Vat. From your suppliers or to your customers, fast service and clear agreements.
What is involved in importing and exporting goods? What do I need to bring goods into the EU, USA or China? You can rely on us for a range of customs formalities related to export, import, storage, and transit shipments. We also gladly assist you with veterinary inspections or advise you on specific customs or tax issues. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind.
Pro-forma invoice
Proforma literally means “for the sake of form.” A pro-forma invoice is not an official invoice but a preliminary invoice. A pro-forma invoice is the type of invoice most commonly used in international trade to enable a buyer to prepare certain customs formalities, such as clearance documents.
Commercial Invoice
A complete and accurate commercial invoice is the key to a smooth customs clearance process. Customs authorities need this information to determine possible taxes and import duties. By correctly completing the commercial invoice, you can help prevent delays.
Certificate of origin
The Certificate of Origin (CvO, Certificate of Origin) is a document that indicates the origin of the goods you supplied. The CvO has a fixed layout and can only be printed by authorized printers. In the Netherlands, for example, this is Beurtvaartadres. A Certificate of Origin is characterized by a unique number issued by the printer, and each blank form is therefore unique. The CvO is reviewed, approved, and stamped by the Chamber of Commerce (KvK).
EUR.1 Certificate and Invoice Declaration
The EUR.1 certificate is a preferential trade document that can result in a reduction or waiver of customs duties. The amount of customs duty (import duty) can vary for each country and each product. The EU has concluded preferential trade agreements with some countries or groups of countries. However, you must meet the requirements set out in the customs legislation or separately concluded protocols.